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APA Citation Style (7th edition)
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APA Citation Style (7th edition)
What is APA Style?
How to read a citation
What is a DOI?
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Government documents
Indirect sources
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Generative AI tools e.g. ChatGPT
Formatting & writing
Quoting & signal phrases
How often do I need to cite?
Title page & running head
How do I deal with...?
Business resources
Health resources
Legal Citation and APA
Bias-free language
Citing Indigenous Knowledge
A P A for screen readers
Tutorials & self checks
APA Style Course in D2L
Tutorials and self checks
Tutorial: APA 7th Edition Citations
*Includes Video: APA Citation Style
Quiz: APA 7th Edition Citations Quiz
APA checklist
Before submitting your paper, take one last look at your formatting and references.
Academic Writer Tutorial: basics of APA 7th edition
21 quick lessons on how to write a correctly formatted APA paper. Recommended resource for HHS students
Why citations matter
Video: Why Citations Matter
Tutorial: Why Citations Matter (2019 update)
A P A for screen readers
APA Style Course in D2L >>