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Teaching & Learning Resources at Camosun: More resources

Library services for faculty

Camosun Library has a variety of resources to help you and your students!

Copyright questions

Instruct Information Literacy Modules (CREDO)

These self-paced information literacy modules include videos, tutorials and self-assessment quizzes on a variety of topics including research strategies, web evaluation and citation.graphic of the phrase 'Information Literacy' at the center of an mind map style graphic

View one module at a time or take the whole course!

Instruct Information Literacy (formerly CREDO InfoLit Core) Research Guide

Research Ethics Board (REB)

Camosun believes in maintaining the highest of ethical standards in the research conducted at the college. We take this responsibility very seriously, and have established an ethics approval process based on nationally recognized standards. This process is managed by the Research Ethics Board (REB). As per Camosun's Research Policy, all Camosun research projects that deal with human participants must obtain ethics approval.

 For more information: