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Implementing Academic Accommodations

A guide for course instructors/departments/schools on implementing common academic accommodations in post secondary

Complex Accommodations Requiring a Case Management Approach

Students with complex barriers represent one percent of Camosun students registered with CAL.

These students typically require more complicated accommodations that may initially appear to interfere with meeting of essential course requirements.

When accommodations are tried and updated to meet new, more complex health barriers becoming increasingly complex to deliver, they require a coordinated case management approach involving academic leadership to provide coordination and supports.

These accommodations:

  • May be the product of specific solutions worked out for a particular course in the past
  • May apply to future courses
  • May set a precedent in a program to how accommodations are provided to the student
  • Can influence student expectations to how future accommodations are provided
  • May seem impossible or impractical to provide to the student by course instructors in specific courses
  • May or may not be possible

Complex accommodations may have a lot of "moving parts"and some may affect the pace of the course.

Accommodations affect not only participation at the course but also the at the program level.

Departments need reaction time to:

  • assess if/how these accommodations will interfere with the meeting of bona fide academic requirements.
  • to consider curricular/participation adaptations that may be necessary
  • to respond to the student consistently and appropriately when agreement is not provided to an accommodation. Saying "no" needs to meet specific legal thresholds which take time and care to articulate.

A Coordinated Institutional Approach

To create capacity for successful accommodation and good outcomes for the student and the college

  • Review complex request(s) at the program or departmental leadership level
  • Understand the history of accommodation requests/attempts
  • Chairs/program leads work with course instructors to anticipate and consider requests
  • CAL instructor coordinates proactive requests for accommodation prior to the term start via an early release of the student Faculty Notification letter