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*Effective Health Science Searching: Popular vs Scholarly vs Trade

Effective Health Science Searching

Popular, Scholarly, and Trade Sources


Understanding the differences between popular, scholarly, and trade sources is crucial for effective research.

  • Popular sources, such as magazines and newspapers, are written for a general audience and focus on entertainment and news.
  • Scholarly sources, including academic journals, are authored by experts and feature in-depth analysis and research.
  • Trade sources, like industry magazines, target professionals in specific fields, offering practical information and industry trends.

Recognizing these distinctions helps select appropriate and credible sources for your research needs.

Comparison table

  Scholarly Trade Popular
Peer Reviewed Yes Sometimes No
Purpose to inform and report on the original research or experimentation to provide news and information to entertain, persuade or sell products or services
Audience other researchers and scholars in the field people in a particular industry or profession general public
Cited Sources substantial footnotes and/or references occasionally include brief footnotes and/or references rarely include references
Authors scholars or researchers in the field practitioners within the industry magazine staff, free-lance writers, or the public
Language technical terminology appropriate to the discipline the jargon of the industry or profession simple language to meet a minimum education level
The reader is assumed to have a similar scholarly background background in the field no prior knowledge
Appearance mostly text, plain format, black and white mix of text and images, attractive glossy format, lots of color mix of text and images, attractive glossy format, lots of color
Article length articles are lengthy brief articles brief articles
Structure often structured into these sections: abstract, literature review, methodology, results, conclusion, bibliography no standard structure no standard structure
Advertising no advertising advertising aimed at people in the field advertising aimed at the general public
Credibility Most credible Middle credibility Least credible
Examples American Journal of Nursing is a monthly peer-reviewed nursing journal established in 1900.  Nursing Standard is a weekly professional magazine that contains peer-reviewed articles and research, news, and career information for the nursing field.

Men's Health is the world's largest men's health magazine and covers men's lifestyle topics such as fitness, nutrition, fashion and sexuality.

Next step

Take a look at the other categories and types of sources, or move on to research tools. 

Credit Statement: The information on this page was reused and adapted (with permission) from The University of Manchester Library My Learning Essentials. 

Material is licensed for reuse under the Creative Commons license CC BY-NC