Limiters or filters let you narrow the focus of your search so that the information retrieved from the databases you search is limited according to the filters you select.
You can use more than one filter. However, every time you add a filter, the results will become more narrow.
Many health databases feature built-in search filters, which can be used to limit search results by age group
If you use the filter rather than a keyword, you can guarantee that the resources returned are relevant to your topic.
Keywords search everywhere for the term, including full text (unless otherwise specified). The keyword may only appear once in the text of a paper rather than being a substantial aspect of the article. Whereas when you choose a specific category under a filter, that category will be a substantial aspect of the article.
For example, in CINAHL:
Many health databases feature built-in search filters, which can be used to limit search results by sex. However, it should be noted this is generally only true for males and females. If you are interested in researching transgender people, it is better to use a keyword rather than a filter.
If you use the filter rather than a keyword, you can guarantee that the resources returned are relevant to your topic.
Keywords search everywhere for the term, including full text (unless otherwise specified). The keyword may only appear once in the text of a paper rather than being a substantial aspect of the article. Whereas when you choose a specific category under a filter, that category will be a substantial aspect of the article.
For example, in CINAHL:
Take a look at the other pages for more information about adapting your search strategy.