Media is collaborative with many people contributing to the final product.
Providing a descriptor of the format helps your reader understand precisely which media type you are citing, this follows the publishing information, is wrapped in square brackets and is followed by a period.
Standard format for citation
[#] A. A. Person, Responsibility (if appropriate), Title: Subtitle, Date of broadcast (if appropriate) [Format]. Special credits (if appropriate). Place of publication: Publisher, Year. |
Standard format for YouTube/Vimeo/other streaming video citation
[#] A. A. Person OR Screen name. "Title of video," YouTube OR Vimeo, Date video uploaded, Year. [Video file]. Available: internet address of specific video. [Accessed: Month Day, Year]. |
Standard format for Podcast citation
[#] A. A. Artist , Credit, and B. B. Artist, Credit, "Title of episode," Title of Programme: Subtitle, Date of recording, Year. Place of recording: Publisher. [Format]. Available: Internet address. [Accessed: Month Day, Year]. |
Radio programme
[1] R. Aedy, Interviewer, D. Hector, Interviewee, and S. Clark, Producer, "The future of engineering," The Buzz, 25 Sept., 2004 [Radio broadcast]. Sydney: ABC Radio.
Sound recordings
[2] D. Fisher, Writer, and T. Baker, Presenter, Doctor Who and the Creature From the Pit [Sound recording]. Bath, UK: BBC Audiobooks, 2009.
[3] I. Holm, Narrator, and J. Fullerton-Smith, Producer, How to Build a Human [DVD]. London: BBC; 2002.
[4] W. D. Scott & Co, Information Technology in Australia: Capacities and opportunities: A report to the Department of Science and Technology [Microform]. W. D. Scott & Company Pty. Ltd. in association with Arthur D. Little Inc. Canberra: Department of Science and Technology, 1984.
Video recording
[5] C. Rogers, Writer and Director, Grrls in IT [Videorecording]. Bendigo, Vic. : Video Education Australasia, 1999.
TV programme
[6] T. Jones and P. Williams, Reporters, BP releases report into Gulf of Mexico oil spill. Lateline, 8 Sept., 2010 [Television broadcast]. Sydney: ABC1 Television.
YouTube/Vimeo video
[7] NRK. "Medieval helpdesk with English subtitles," YouTube, Feb. 26, 2007 [Video file]. Available: [Accessed: Jan. 28, 2014].
[8] R. Robertson, Speaker, Leadership at the Bottom of the Earth…Where No One Hears You Scream, 2010 Sir Walter Murdoch Lecture. Murdoch (WA): Murdoch University; 2010. [Podcast]. Available: [Accessed Aug. 5, 2010].