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Single Search (EBSCO Discovery Service)

A guide to using Camosun Library's Single Search discovery system.

About the new Single Search interface

Single Search is getting a fresh new look!

What's changing?

EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) - known at Camosun as Single Search - has been redesigned. While the rich research content remains the same, there are some new features such as personalized dashboards, new ways to share and like resources, enhanced accessibility, and much more! 


May 6: Soft launch
  • Links to the new interface will be available on the library website for those who wish to try it.
  • Librarians will offer introductory workshops for college employees and students 
  • Communication via CamNews, digital signage, and other channels
Aug. 14: Go Live
  • Existing links and widgets will redirect to new interface.
  • Full launch planned for fall semester. 
  • Look for more employee and student workshops



Highlights of new features


No more permalinks!

  • Browser URLs are now persistent, meaning they can be shared, bookmarked etc.
  • The new URL has the Camosun proxy prefix information included, so you may not see the proxy prefix 

"Sticky" search filters

  • All applied filters will remain applied when modifying search term(s).
  • Reset the filters by clicking New search

Peer reviewed indicator

  • The gold badge and check mark indicate an article is from a peer reviewed journal

Concept Map

  • Grid and Map views available

My Dashboard

  • Create a personal myEBSCO account to save articles, create projects, or set your user preferences.

Known Issues

Bulk export of citations and PDFs 

  • Currently, you cannot email citations + PDFs (when available) for multiple records
    • you can, however, email yourself a record of multiple sources and links to access them later OR export citation information into a citation manager such as Zotero or Mendeley
  • Look for bulk export options in Fall 2024

Emailing citations

  • Previously, when emailing articles you could choose to include a citation. With the new interface, you must save or export the citation separately.

Custom folders (myEBSCO account holders)

  • If you have created custom folders in your myEBSCO account, these will NOT migrate.
    • this should have minimal impact (affects fewer than 10 people at Camosun)
  • Items saved to the general "My folder" will migrate

No Print Book limiter

  • Watch for this to return in Fall 2024
  • Use the Source Types or Library catalogue filters

Links redirecting

  • During the pilot period (May-Aug 2024), links generated using the new EDS (Single Search) interface will redirect to the old interface. This is expected behaviour.
  • Once the new interface is officially launched in August, all links should redirect to the new interface.

Advanced search reverts to Basic on results list

  • Settings are adjusted to start on the Advanced search screen (multiple search boxes with specific field limiter options) but after performing a search, this reverts back to Basic search (one search box with no field limiter options).
  • EBSCO is aware of this problem and is working to resolve it