EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) - known at Camosun as Single Search - has been redesigned. While the rich research content remains the same, there are some new features such as personalized dashboards, new ways to share and like resources, enhanced accessibility, and much more!
Contact a subject liaison librarian or email libraryresearch@camosun.ca
You can being searching Camosun's Single Search Discovery Service off campus, but you will need to log in to view full text results. For the best search experience, we recommend that you log in as soon as you see the "Hello, Guest" banner:
When you select a link to one of Camosun's electronic resources from off campus, you should see this login screen:
In your research journey you may run into different types of login screens, such as the MyEBSCOhost login screen below.
This service is NOT connected to your Camosun accounts.