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Single Search (EBSCO Discovery Service)

A guide to using Camosun Library's Single Search discovery system.

About Publication Finder

Searching by Publication 

Use Camosun Library's Publication Finder to search for a specific journal, magazine, or other periodical. This can be helpful if someone has recommended a specific title in your subject area, or if you are trying to locate the full text of an article based on a citation from another source.

Locating Publication Finder 

  1. From the library home page, select the link to Articles and databases. The bottom link, labelled Journals, magazines, and newspapers, will take you to Publication Finder, where you can check if the library subscribes to specific periodicals.

articles databases tab with link to Journals, magazines and newspapers highlighted

  1. From Single Search, look for the Research Tools on the left menu. Select the link to Publications.decorative

EBSCO Support information

Using Publication Finder

The following videos and articles from EBSCO support provide more information about using Publication Finder.

Contact a Camosun librarian if you have questions!