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MHA: Mental Health and Addictions

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This guide contains information and links to resources related to mental health, addictions, including academic article databases, ebooks, websites, and more.

Some of the online resources included in this guide are licensed for use by students and employees of Camosun College and may require you to log in with your student or employee number.

See the other subject guides listed below for additional related content:


Vancouver Island Crisis Line

Vancouver Island Crisis Line 1-888-494-3888

Camosun Single Search

Top 5 Resources

The following  resources are excellent places to start for research on topics related to mental health and addiction. This list includes public websites as well as library databases and references sources.

Interdisciplinary search strategies

When looking for interdisciplinary information try searching for articles, ebooks, books and other resources using search terms from both subject areas. For example, try searching for both a specific mental health concept and an addiction concept. 

  • AND narrows your search by combining all terms to be included
  • OR expands your search by including similar search concepts
  • "  "  searches multiple words as a single concept

Sample search:


Search concept vocabulary suggestions:

Mental health or Addiction AND Addiction concept

"mental health"

"mental illness"

"dual diagnosis"






"drug use"



"substance abuse"


"exercise addiction"

"eating disorders"


add OR

between synonyms



"substance use"



"substance abuse"



substance misuse"

Using reference resources

Encyclopedias, biographical dictionaries and other reference sources are great for getting background information about your topic. They can provide the basic information you need to start your research and often, a list of suggested readings.

  • They provide the well-known facts: definitions, major dates, key contributions.
  • They are trustworthy and reliable, giving you the correct information you need for presentations and research reports.
  • If you don't know very much about your topic, or you're just starting your research, begin with reference books.

Sample reference resources

Off campus library access

The off campus login for library resources is the same as your Camosun domain account login (also used for D2L).

You can reset your Camosun domain password at

For other problems accessing library resources off campus, please submit a trouble report.