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Media sources at Camosun Library

Faculty media support

Welcome to the Faculty media support page! This page is designed to help instructors find, access and present media sources in the classroom and other instructional settings.  Looking for a specific steaming media title, request a purchase, or have a "how to" question?

Contact the Media Librarian, Patricia (Patsy) Scott at

The library has a growing collection of streaming media databases that include, documentaries, feature and independent films as well as instructional videos that can be viewed on or off campus using your C number and password. Streaming films can also be added to D2L (see instructions below).

Streaming examples (Criterion)

Streaming examples (Audio Cine Films)

DVDs: Booking, Reserves, Watching

We have a large DVD collection if titles are not available for streaming or if this is your preferred format.  DVDs can be booked in advance, and put on Reserve using the media booking form, or contacting the following emails:

Faculty assigning DVDs for viewing outside of class can place a DVD on reserve. Students can borrow DVDs for 2 hours, and view them in the library. DVD players are available in the following library rooms:

  • Lansdowne Library study rooms with DVD players: 141 (Huckleberry room) and 142 (Oregon Grape room)
  • Interurban Library study rooms with DVD players: Rooms 341, 342, 355 and 356

Students can book study rooms on the Camosun library website.