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Pulling Together: Indigenization Guides

Professional Learning Series

Indigenous Education and Pedagogy Books

Contextualizing Colonization

Academic Papers

[Re]framing Research

Research Is Ceremony

Describing a research paradigm shared by indigenous scholars in Canada and Australia, this study demonstrates how this standard can be put into practice. Portraying indigenous researchers as knowledge seekers who work to progress indigenous ways of being, knowing, and doing in a constantly evolving context, this examination shows how relationships both shape indigenous reality and are vital to reality itself.



Decolonizing Research: Indigenous Storywork as Methodology

From Oceania to North America, Indigenous peoples have created storytelling traditions of incredible depth and diversity. The term "Indigenous Storywork" has come to encompass the sheer breadth of ways in which indigenous storytelling serves as a historical record, as a form of teaching and learning, and as an expression of indigenous culture and identity. Decolonizing Research asserts the unique value of Indigenous Storywork as a focus of research.

Kaandossiwin: how we come to know

Kaandossiwin describes how Indigenous researchers re-theorize and re-create methodologies. Understanding Indigenous methodologies as guided by Indigenous paradigms, worldviews, principles, processes and contexts, Absolon argues that they are wholistic, relational, inter-relational and interdependent with Indigenous philosophies, beliefs and ways of life.