Provides an overview of why traditional knowledge and wisdom should be included in the science curriculum, a window into the science and technologies of the Indigenous peoples who live in Northwestern North America, Indigenous worldview, culturally responsive teaching strategies and curriculum models, and evaluative techniques. It is intended that the rich examples and cases, combined with the resources listed in the appendices, will enable teachers and students to explore Indigenous Science examples in the classroom; and in addition, support the development of culturally appropriate curriculum projects.
Knowing Home attempts to capture the creative vision of Indigenous scientific knowledge and technology that is derived from an ecology of a home place. The traditional wisdom component of Indigenous Science—the values and ways of decision-making—assists humans in their relationship with each other, the land and water, and all of creation. This book provides a window into the vast storehouse of innovations and technologies of the Indigenous peoples who live in Northwestern North America.
The FNIGC is a non-profit organization operating with a special mandate from the Assembly of First Nations’ Chiefs. FNIGC envisions that every First Nation will achieve data sovereignty in alignment with its distinct world view. In collaboration with regional partners, FNIGC conducts unique data-gathering initiatives that allow us to build culturally relevant portraits of the lives of First Nations people and the communities they live in.