If you do not know where to begin, or you are not finding what you need, ask for research help right away.
Librarians and library technicians working at the Research Help Desks at the Lansdowne and Interurban libraries can save you valuable time and would love to help you find the information that you need to write a successful research essay.
Remember that the only silly question is the one you did not ask.
Research help is also available by phone, by email or online through AskAway.
When you write a research essay, you enter a conversation with others.
When you research your topic, you will
When you write your essay, you will
For Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein and Russel Durst, English instructors and authors of the popular They Say/I Say books, "broadly speaking academic writing is argumentative writing, and [they] believe that to argue well you need to do more than assert your own position. You need to enter a conversation, using what others say (or might say) as a launching pad or sounding board for your own views" (3).
Focusing your topic
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Scholarly sources are
Scholarly sources are NOT written for a
Why do I need to use scholarly sources?
An authority is someone who
When questioning whether or not a source is authoritative, ask yourself
For information about evaluating websites, explore the following pages in our Camosun library's Website Evaluation guide.
To identify parts of a book that are relevant to your topic, look at the
To determine if an article is relevant to your topic, read the
Ask yourself
Think about
To better understand sources that are relevant to your topic, you may want to