An introductory paragraph informs your reader about your
An introductory paragraph could begin with
An introductory paragraph
Evidence comes from your research sources and is
Analysis will help you
Begin your analysis by asking yourself the following questions about your topic?
For example, it is not enough to write a research essay describing the current Victoria sewage disposal system as bad and the proposed sewage treatment plan as good. You must make a well-thought-out argument about the merits and drawbacks of the current system and the proposed new system.
To determine the point of your research essay you might ask yourself
Asking yourself these and other questions you can think of about this topic will help you
When integrating information from your sources, you must credit your source if you
How do I integrate paraphrasing or quotations from my source into my essay?
How do I know whether I should quote or paraphrase?
How should I conclude my essay?
You could
You could also
Try to write your first draft all at once without concern for
Focus on getting your ideas down in writing because
Use an approach that works best for you
As you write this first draft
Having a first draft means you
Remember to keep