All topics; covers major daily Canadian newspapers including the Times-Colonist.
Why it is important to evaluate Internet sites?
Copyright or last revised date?
Is the information on the webpage outdated?
Do the links work?
Is there an author for the webpage?
Is the owner/sponsor of the website reputable? (look for an “About Us” link)
Are references and/or credentials provided?
Is there an explanation of the research methods used?
Are other credible sources of information referred to within the text of the webpage?
Do other sources confirm the information on this site?
Is the information fact? Opinion? Propaganda?
Is the information similar to other information you have found or radically different?
Is there advertising on the site? More ads than content?
Does the information add to or support your research?
Does the site provide additional links that are also useful?
Have you looked at a variety of sources before determining this is the one you will use?
Site ranking:
Credible website: If you answered "yes" or were able to locate the answers for most of the questions
! Red flag website: If you answered "no" or were not able to locate the answers for most the questions