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ART: Art History

This guide provides links to a variety of resources for Camosun students conducting visual art and art history-related research.

Reference sources

Looking for inspiration? Need some basic definitions or background information?

Reference resources help you gain a basic understanding of your topic and might spark ideas for your writing.

Scroll through our Encyclopedias and Dictionaries page for information or inspiration:


A to Z database list showing the first three databases listed: Access Science, Alcohol and Drugs in North America: A Historical Encyclopedia, and Ancient Europe 8000 B.C. to A.D. 1000: Encyclopedia of the Barbarian World


Try Single Search for a general topic (drugs) + Encyclopedia OR Dictionary: Note that the drop-downs on the right have been changed to 'Subject Terms' for the first word and 'Journal Title / source' for the other two search terms (Encyclopedia OR Dictionary)


Image of search parameters that links to search results


Online reference sources

Use specialized encyclopedias, biographical dictionaries, and other reference sources at the beginning of your research to obtain a broad overview of a subject, concept, ideology, or individual. These trustworthy sources provide background information including well-known facts, definitions, major dates, key contributions, and often, a list of suggested readings.