There are no direct Library of Congress subject headings for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and Two-Spirit (MMIGW2S). To find resources related to this topic, you may have success experimenting and searching with the following terms.
Experiment with the above words in different combinations with additional words to provide context, such as:
A search using these terms may look like:
AND (women OR woman OR girl* OR female*)
AND (abuse OR murder OR violence OR "human trafficking" OR missing OR crime OR exploitation)
To search for resources that specifically mention Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, try the following search:
Additional terms that may be helpful include:
The Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, & Two-Spirit (MMIWG2S) guide can help you locate resources about MMIWG2S in Canada. The guide provides keyword searching advice and features scholarly documents, reports, online resources, and personal accounts, the majority of which are Authentic Indigenous Voices resources.
If you have suggestions for resources to add to the Camosun collection, please contact us with your ideas.
Caution: Many of the resources in this guide contain discussions or scenes of violence or representations of trauma which may be painful for readers/viewers – please exercise care.
If you need help: The KUU-US Crisis Line Society provides 24-hour phone support for Indigenous people in BC. The KUU-US Crisis Line can be reached toll-free at 1-800-588-8717. Individuals can also call the Youth Line at 250-723-2040 or the Adult Line at 250-723-4050.
The Indian Residential School Crisis Line 1-866-925-4419 is available 24-hours a day for anyone experiencing pain or distress as a result of their or a loved one's residential school experience.
Camosun students can access help from the Counselling Centre. For resources related to emergency and after hours support, on-campus support, and other information, visit the Counselling Centre Resources webpage.