Subject Terms
1. For articles on testing and its accuracy use these terms.
2. For studies that use a specific test enter the name of the test and then choose Tests and Measures from the drop down menu. The articles will report on research using that Test. (See the box in the next column for an illustration.)
3. Particular types of tests:
**If you choose the Thesaurus on the top bar of the search page; enter neuropsychological assessment in the BROWSE box, under the entry you will find the names of several tests and test batteries.
Use the drop down menu in Advanced Search to focus on your topic.
Example: I want articles reporting use of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI).
Enter the name of the test in the search box. Then use the drop down menu to Choose Tests and Measures.
Academic Search
Subject Terms
Unproductive Term
educational tests
This will find academic assessment rather than psychological assessment in an educational environment. Use psychological tests instead.
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