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Textbooks and alternatives


Coursepacks, a collection of course readings, activities, notes etc., are an excellent alternative to a textbook.  Instructors can choose specific readings for students from a variety of books and journals. Curating a collection of readings allows the instructor to include a variety of sources and formats, allowing for representation of more view points.  From a student perspective, coursepacks provide a more focus than a textbook and are a cost-savings. 

Coursepacks are sold through the bookstore on a cost-recovery is basis.  All coursepacks are reviewed for copyright compliance before they are printed. Faculty are asked to adhere closely to submission deadlines in order to ensure that students don't experience increased wait times for their materials.

 Coursepacks consist of four types of material:
  • material you or your Camosun colleagues have created
  • material that is in the public domain
  • open resource that holds a Creative Commons license
  • published material where the copyright is held by its creator

Any work included in a course pack must carry a full and correct citation and the copyright statement attached to it by the provider.  Visit the library's citation guide for assistance.

Copyrighted material can be used in a coursepack if it complies with the Fair Dealing Policy, or with the specific and recorded permission of the copyright holder. 

Reading lists

For digital delivery a reading list can be built within D2L, using persistent links to library licensed resources (journal articles or ebooks). 

Persistent links (also called permalinksstable URLs, or document URLs) point to specific articles, journals, e-books, or searches from library research databases. They allow authorized users to access learning resources either on or off campus. Persistent links can be used within teaching materials, SharePoint, D2L, email or reference lists.

Best practice is to use the most direct link available (i.e. from the publisher or database) when providing links to your students.

Tutorial for adding links to a D2L course