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HLTH 113: Creativity and Health

Creativity and Health

Camosun Single Search

Accessing & requesting library material

Accessing the library collection:

In-person – You can browse and borrow physical Camosun library books with your Camosun ID.

Place holds - If someone has signed out a book you want, you can place a 'hold' on it through the library catalogue. You will be notified when the item becomes available.

Online access – many journals and books are available digitally

Ebooks about Art therapy

Ebooks @ Camosun

image of ebook limiterYou can access many of our ebooks 24/7, although some are restricted to one user at a time.  Camosun Library ebooks can be read directly from your internet browser.  Most are mobile friendly.

Search results in Single Search can be limited to eBooks.

For more in-depth information see the Ebooks Research Guide.

Print books about Art Therapy

Book Cover
Book Cover
Book Cover
Book Cover

Call numbers for print books

library call number labels on book spines

Library call numbers are listed on the book spine and help you find the location of the book on the library shelf.  They are provided in the database descriptions for print books and DVDs.

Single Search book descriptions provide the book call number, library location and availability. Use the call number when searching the library shelves or when placing a request for a book.


Nature-based Therapies

Indigenous Healing and Cultural Aspects

Electronic References Sources

Credo Reference search

Get background information to start your research.

