Interviewing and hiring a tutor:
Once you've found a potential tutor, here are some questions you might want to ask:
Consider requesting the individual's resume and related references.
Arranging to meet:
If you hire a tutor, make sure you both are clear about the terms of the arrangement. Keep in mind that you can end your tutoring agreement with appropriate notice if you do not feel it's working for you. Here are some tips for establishing clear terms:
If you are funded through provincial disability grants, have a method to keep track of the number of tutor hours you have used, keeping in mind your semester tutor hours maximum approved by the government granting agency. In BC, this is the Ministry of Advanced Education/StudentAid BC.
You and your service provider will be required to provide signed receipts for services paid for consistent with the services your grant has funded.
Receipts explained:
For example, similar to you purchasing a good or service from a store, the store issues you a receipt detailing/verifying the good or service they sold you, the quantity and the date provided. Your service provider would do the same using the service provider receipt form required by Student Aid BC for services applied for and approved through the Canada Student Grant for Students with Permanent Disabilities for Services and Equipment.
Occasionally there are reasonable circumstances that occur where students work with their service provider on dates/times within the term that do not correspond to the Student Aid BC grant for services approval letter. In such circumstances, you can request your CAL Instructor to provide a letter to explain the variance to Student Aid BC . That letter can be attached to the service provider receipt form you send back to Student Aid BC, accounting for your services/expenditures.