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Library research classes

Information about how to book information literacy classes with a Camosun librarian.

Information Literacy Standards

Camosun librarians base their instruction on the American Library Association's (ALA) and the Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) Information Literacy Framework.

ELD and English classes

For ELD 072 classes we recommend a 50 or 80 minute session, consisting of demonstration and hands-on activity.  In an 80 minute session, students would complete a Library worksheet, allowing them to practice using the Library databases, and to start gathering research materials for their class assignment(s).  Students in a 50 minute session can be given a handout or worksheet that provides direction for practice and identifying research materials.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the lab session and worksheet, students will be able to:

Demonstrate foundation level information literacy skills for academic research and citation. 

  • Locate and use home page of Camosun Library
  • Identify services of Camosun Library and role of librarians in supporting student research
  • Identify and use foundational information resources available through Camosun Library
    • Select appropriate search terms and combine them effectively
    • Describe methods of identifying synonyms / keywords
    • Identify elements of database record 
    • Identify relevant print and/or electronic sources of information for research purposes

For ELD 092 classes we recommend a 50 or 80 minute session, consisting of demonstration and hands-on activity.  In an 80 minute session, students would complete a Library worksheet, allowing them to practice using the Library databases, and to start gathering research materials for their class assignment(s).  Students in a 50 minute session can be given a handout or worksheet that provides direction for practice and identifying research materials.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the lab session and worksheet, students will be able to:

Demonstrate practical information literacy skills for academic research and citation. 

  • Locate and use home page of Camosun Library
  • Describe services of Camosun Library and role of librarians in supporting student research
  • Differentiate between library resources and free internet resources
  • Identify and use Camosun’s electronic research tools effectively and efficiently
    • Select appropriate search terms and combine them effectively
    • Describe methods of identifying synonyms / keywords
    • Identify elements of database record with emphasis on elements needed for citation
    • Identify relevant and reliable print and/or electronic sources of information for research purposes
  • Differentiate between newspaper, magazine and journal articles
  • Locate Camosun Library's citation guides to check accuracy of database citations

For ENG 092 classes we recommend a 50 or 80 minute session, consisting of demonstration and hands-on activity.  In an 80 minute session, students would practice using the Library databases, and start gathering research materials for their class assignment(s).  Students will be given a handout that provides direction for practice and identifying research materials.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the session, students will be able to:

Demonstrate information literacy skills needed for college/university level research and citation. 

  • Locate and use home page of Camosun Library
  • Describe services of Camosun Library and role of librarians in supporting student research
  • Differentiate between library resources and free internet resources
  • Identify and use Camosun’s electronic research tools effectively and efficiently
    • Select appropriate search terms and combine them effectively into a multi-concept search strategy
    • Identify elements of database record with emphasis on elements needed for citation
    • Identify and access relevant and reliable print and/or electronic sources of information
  • Differentiate between newspaper, magazine and journal articles to select appropriate research material
  • Describe scholarly, peer reviewed (academic) journals 
  • Locate Camosun Library's citation guides to check accuracy of database citations.

For ENG 151 classes we recommend a 50 or 80 minute session, consisting of demonstration and hands-on activity.  In an 80 minute session, students would practice using the Library databases, and start gathering research materials for their class assignment(s).  Students in a 50 minute session can be given a handout that provides direction for practice and identifying research materials.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the session, students will be able to:

Demonstrate information literacy skills needed for college/university level research and citation. 

  • Locate and use home page of Camosun Library
  • Describe services of Camosun Library and role of librarians in supporting student research
  • Differentiate between library resources and free internet resources
  • Identify and use Camosun’s electronic research tools effectively and efficiently
    • Select appropriate search terms and combine them effectively into a multi-concept search strategy
    • Identify elements of catalog / database record with emphasis on elements needed for citation
    • Identify and access relevant and reliable print and/or electronic sources of information
  • Differentiate between newspaper, magazine and journal articles to select appropriate research material
  • Describe scholarly, peer reviewed (academic) journals 
  • Locate and use Camosun Library's citation guides to construct an accurate formatted citation for a retrieved article  

Why Information Literacy Matters!

Information literacy goes much deeper than spotting the difference between "fake news" and documented fact.

While at Camosun College information literacy skills will help students choose quality sources for research assignments!

After college, information literacy improves your life and makes you a more informed citizen.

Strong information literacy skills help everyone:

  • choose the best deal when buying a house or car;
  • navigate a new city without their cell phone;
  • understand financial and legal documents such as benefits, mortgages, marriage documents, and insurance claims.