Learning Disabilities Association of British Columbia
Information and resources to ensure the full participation of people withe LDs
Learning Disabilities Association of Canada
Information at various levels for adults and children with LDs, parents and teachers.
Centre for ADHD Awareness, Canada
CADDAC is a national, not-for-profit, organization providing leadership in awareness and advocacy for ADHD organizations and individuals.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Health Link BC
National Eating Disorder Information Centre (NEDIC)
Prevention and Health Promotion Information. See also 'Know the Facts'.
Academy for Eating Disorders
Professional international organization
Canadian Mental Health Association
Overview of types of eating disorders
Aggressive Girls - Overview Paper (pdf)
by Sibylle Artz and Diana Nicholson. National Clearinghouse on Family Violence, Canada, 2002.
Consequences of child maltreatment: a reference guide for health practitioners
Includes issues around reporting child abuse.
Bullying prevention in schools
Links to documents from across Canada.