Unless otherwise stated this guide is based on Artificial Intelligence: A Guide for Students created by Brenda Smith at TRU and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Brenda Smith's guide was adapted from Artificial Intelligence by Ulrike Kestler from KPU used under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
Before using ChatGPT, Copilot, or other generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) tools, always check with your instructor for each course to find out if you can use AI, and if so, what exactly is permitted for a specific assignment.
If you are permitted to use ChatGPT or similar AI, be sure to:
For updated guidance, please see the following communications:
ChatGPT, Copilot, Grammarly and other generative artificial intelligence (genAI) tools are used widely. You might be using these tools at home, on campus, or at work and are wondering if you can use these genAI tools for coursework at Camosun.
When it comes to coursework (assignments, essays, exams, etc.) you can use generative AI only when it is explicitly allowed by your instructor.
Camosun students are responsible for following the college's Academic Integrity Policy. The use of AI tools without permission of your instructor may be considered cheating or plagiarism, which violates the college’s Academic Integrity Policy.
Before using generative AI tools, always check with your instructor. Never assume that using generative AI is permitted!
If your instructor allows the use of genAI tools, make sure that you follow their guidelines for citing or attributing your use of the tool. Keep a record of the prompts that you used – and remember to cite and acknowledge your use of the specific genAI tool.
Camosun offers a wide range of services and resources to help you succeed. If you are curious, confused, overwhelmed, or just want to make sure you are on the right path with an assignment, you are encouraged to talk with your instructor, and to use available services and supports.
Looking to support student understanding of Academic Integrity? Have your students complete the Academic Integrity Course, take the quiz, and earn a digital badge!
The self-registration course takes 45 minutes to compete and is supported by librarians at integrity@camosun.ca -- no extra work for faculty! Course content includes: