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Advanced research methods: Reading scholarly research

Tips for reading scholarly articles

Scholarly articles in the social sciences/sciences are written by academics and specialists in the field and include findings from primary/original research.  It is not recommended that you read a scholarly article from beginning to end, rather....

Read and consider the article title

This will give you clues about the topic

Ask yourself: Is the article still relevant to your research topic?



Scan the headings/sections of the article

This will give you more clues about the topic.

Ask yourself: Is the article still relevant to your research topic?



Read the abstract

This is the summary of the article, usually dense with information.

New articles may include keywords supplied by the author(s).

Scan these keywords to:

  • Give you additional information about the scope of the article
  • Help you develop search terms for database searches

Ask yourself: Is the article still relevant to your research topic?



Read the first few paragraphs of the Discussion section

This section will include a summary of the major findings from the study and will:

  • explain why findings are essential to the field of study
  • highlight limitations of the study and recommend possibilities for future research

Ask yourself: Is the article still relevant to your research topic?



Read the remaining sections of the article

Before you read a section, convert the headings into a question.

This will set the context for what you will learn in that section.

Seek out the answer to this question as you read the section.

Read the Introduction carefully - spend time here!

The Introduction will provide background information about the topic and summarize previous research.

Make a note of the hypothesis found in the Introduction section.

Suggested order of reading: Introduction, Discussion, Results, then the Methods section.

Ask yourself: Is the article still relevant to your research topic?



Examine the Works Cited/References Note other relevant studies on the topic and locate these publications through Library databases.