EXAM-WRITING STRATEGIES can help you achieve better grades on your tests. Nothing replaces good preparation; however, following certain steps can help you increase your marks and decrease your anxiety.
Get plenty of sleep the night before an exam. Eat a healthy breakfast and try not to overdo caffeine or sugar on exam day.
Put yourself into a positive mindset just before the exam: watch a funny cat video and pump yourself up by saying “I’ve got this!" or “All that studying I did is about to pay off!”
If you get stuck on a question, visualize your study area. Imagining your study space helps you retrace the information you are trying to recall.
Take time off from studying on the day of the exam. It can tire you out, overstress your brain and cause confusion.
What strengths do you bring to an exam situation?
Do you feel your grades on exams accurately reflect your knowledge of the subject?
How are tests part of the learning process?
What are two or three ways you can manage stress during an exam?
Test anxiety is a common problem. Have you sought help for this?
Watch out for these common exam mistakes:
Find the exam room before the day of the test and arrive early so you have time to:
Copy the habits of successful test-takers:
Once you've looked over your test and reacted to your grade, take the time to think more deeply about your performance on the exam:
Study Aides
Test-taking and Test Anxiety
Format-Specific Strategies
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