ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNING means improving the core skills of reading, writing, listening, speaking, grammar, and vocabulary.
Ask a librarian to help you find books and other resources that will develop specific core skills.
Create a study plan in a separate notebook that documents what you're learning in each area, which resources you have found useful, and what areas of study you plan to work on next.
Keep a study journal that can show you where you are strong and where to spend more time and effort.
Share what you're learning in each area with a partner, friend or classmate. The act of teaching will help you to understand a term, a concept or problem more deeply.
It's important to learn and then practice new vocabulary in a variety of written and spoken activities in order to make these terms a part of your everyday vocabulary. Use flash cards to check your knowledge throughout the day.
How can a study plan help you to improve in each core area of English?
What new strategies or approaches would you like to try?
How can teaching new language ideas to a friend or classmate help you with your English skills?
Which language learning resources would you recommend to another English language learner?
When they're reading, good readers will:
After you have written the first draft of your paper, ask yourself some important questions:
When you're watching a TV show or listening to an audio clip, try these activities:
Improve your professional and academic speaking skills every day with a variety of activities:
Increasing your skill with English grammar takes time and effort:
General skills
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