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Interlibrary loan

General information

Library Home page
Contact Info  rmation
Library Name Camosun College
Illume (SHAREit) Library Code BVIC
Canadian Library Symbol    


Shipping address

Camosun College Library

3100 Foul Bay Rd

Victoria, BC

V8P 5J2

ILL contact telephone


ILL contact email

General Information
Library Catalogue URL

NOTE: We do not load MARC records for major ebook or streaming video collections; please check EDS ("Single Search") or individual databases.  We also don't load individual full-text ejournal titles from our publishers' packages and databases.

ILL software SHAREit
Consortia memberships

BC ELN - partner

Loan Information
Returnable Loans

2 weeks for monographs

Renewals Yes - monographs - 1 renewal
Non Returnable Copies

print, ejournal, and book chapter photocopies / scans vie email

Media Loans DVD for BC academic libraries only 
Not for Loan
Materials limited by licensing or copyright agreements, reserves, reference, media, audiovisual, sound recordings, entire issues of periodicals, items out on loan
Charges / Fees
Non Returnable Copy Charges (outside of Illume)

$10 for scanned articles and chapters of monographs for non-ELN members (invoice to follow)

Returnable Loan Charges (outside of Illume) $10 per monograph for non-ELN members 

Yes - 1 renewal - no charge

Replacement Charges cost of item plus $15 processing charge
Late Fees case by case
Invoice Payments